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The Difference between Past and Present Conceptions of Mastermind Training

Who are the types of students historically associated with mastermind training?

mastermind group training

Previously, the two types of students associated with mastermind training were the two “extremes”. Although they come from opposite ends of the achievement scale, gifted and remedial students share the common factor that they have a longer history of being given the chance to accelerate their learning skills through a speedier type of educational course. The students who were considered gifted historically skipped grades and/or were encouraged to progress through standard course material at a much faster rate. In these ways, both of these types of students were considered part of an “accelerated” program, by virtue of either their need for acceleration or their ability to handle it.

Furthermore, ever-increasing numbers of students who are considered low achieving or remedial in their abilities were offered the chance to accelerate their learning by being granted access to educators who were able to help them focus on learning strategies that would make it easier for them to engage with the course material. By making the material more accessible, they made it possible for students to achieve degrees of academic success of which they were previously thought incapable, simply because the curriculum was not previously geared to their needs.

Who are the types of students currently associated with Mastermind training?

Now, Mastermind training like Knowledge Broker Blueprint 2.0 is considered a viable option for students at all levels of achievement. It has become a concern that students at all levels of ability have the opportunity to find their course material engaging, challenging and applicable to a variety of fields in life. The belief is that Mastermind training can be used to prepare students for greater life challenges later on by teaching them to adapt to various situations and applying their knowledge about their own individual learning styles to help those better face challenges and solve problems they encounter in the academic and work worlds.

What sorts of classrooms are traditionally associated with Mastermind training?

Previously, students who engaged in Mastermind training programs were usually isolated in individual classrooms to make it possible for them to focus better on the specialized curriculum that had been prepared for them. The classrooms were set apart from the “regular” classrooms and it was impossible for the “Regular” students to be unaware of their existence, or of the “differences” of the students who attended those classrooms. They were also set apart by the different teaching styles; an excess of expectation places on the advanced students, and an abundance of teachers and a variety of teacher’s aides so that educators could assist with the remedial students.

What sorts of classrooms are currently associated with Mastermind training?

Nowadays, just about any classroom may be turned into a classroom ideal for a Mastermind training program.

With such a wide variety of students engaging in the process, it has become increasingly necessary to spread the learning process out between varieties of classes. Sometimes the Mastermind training classes may be conducted outside, in the case of science and athletic classes. Sometimes the Mastermind training classes may be conducted in theaters or in music classrooms that allow children to expand their dramatic, musical and physical talents. At other times, the classes may be conducted in a more traditional classroom setting, perhaps at desks or perhaps at tables in small groups; certainly there is no “isolation” from the “regular” students in these modern day Mastermind training classrooms. They focus instead on including all students and making them feel part of a larger group simply by virtue of the all-inclusive nature of the lessons taught and the style in which the classes are conducted. Conceptual aspects of Mastermind training have left a trademark on spectators.


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